Meet the CSD Committee

Dorka Nemes
Chair; Festival Teachers Co-ordinator; Festival Bands Co-ordinator
I'm very excited to be chairing the Cambridge Swing Dance Committee and I'm looking forward to further building our lovely and colourful scene. I've been on the committee for a few years now and enjoyed organising many events for our dancers.
Apart from trying to co-ordinate the whole committee, my roles also include booking bands and teachers for our main events (CLX and Swing Sanctuary), as well as sharing out the role of social secretary and events promotion. If you ever have any questions, concerns, or comments about anything CSD related, you can usually find me on the dancefloor on Tuesdays, or email me. I look forward to giving back to the community which has already given me so much!
Please find me for a dance no matter how long you've been dancing for or what your preferred style is!

Wei Kheng Teh
Vice-Chair; Volunteers and DJ Co-ordinator; Safer Spaces and Equality Officer
I’m the vice-chair, volunteers and DJ co-ordinator, and one of our safety spaces and equality officers. I’m new to Swing Dancing, but I love it as a community, a way to meet new people, and a way to feel connected to my body, the music, and fellow dancers!
I love celebrating and cheering on the enthusiasm of other individuals, and am so excited to work with the committee to make cool and inclusive events happen!

Sarah Cawood
Volunteers and DJ Co-ordinator; Safer Spaces and Equality Officer
Recently having started Swing, I can’t promise to be an expert, but I just love it and am utterly hooked. I joined the committee as I wanted to give back to the Cambridge swing community and empower people to enjoy Swing as much as I do.
I am responsible for caring for the welfare and safety of our members, therefore, ensuring that CSD events follow our safe spaces policy. Please feel free to approach me and discuss any matters. I am also responsible for organising door volunteers and DJs for Tuesday and Wednesday night events. Being a volunteer has great perks!

Roya Hersel
Venue, Design and Events Co-ordinator
Passionate about Swing and Blues Dancing, I started learning in 2012, when I returned to live in the Cambridge area, and was delighted to find a local dance scene to attend. Classes, community and social dances…needless to say, it certainly lived up to and exceeded my expectations and I was immediately hooked!
I first joined the committee back in 2016, and now, after a few years break, have re-joined with re-ignited enthusiasm to keep our Swing Dance scene alive and thriving.
I love to spread the joy of Swing & Blues Dancing, keeping the history and dance alive and contributing to the creation of events where people can come together to learn and share in a joint love for the wonderful, cherished and closely related music & dance styles, that are Swing & Blues.
I like to dabble in many aspects of organisation, but primarily I look after the bookings and arrangements with our venues, as well as the co-ordination of ad-hoc events and graphic design/marketing materials.

Alan Wanke
Swing Secretary
My name is Alan and as one of the Swing Secretaries, I mainly take care of ad hoc events and anything to do with fast dancing. You'll also find my handwriting on many of the Instagram posts from the official CSD account.
Dance, particularly when it comes to the rich traditions of jazz-related styles, is deeply intertwined with a sense of community. Beyond simply being a "community of practice," I am keen on fostering a culture of appreciation, respect, and care within our Cambridge Swing Dance community. Feel free to grab me for a chat if you have any thoughts on this subject - and be sure to meet me for a dance on the social dance floor!

Paul Wright
Social Band Co-ordinator; Technical Officer; Website Manager; Events bookings; Memes Officer
I've been dancing for a while, having started lindy in 2010 after years of doing ballroom. I also dance a bit of balboa. I joined committee after the pandemic restrictions lifted to help the scene get back on its feet, as I really missed dancing.
I'm responsible for booking bands for our regular social dance nights, managing event ticket bookings and the waitlist, looking after the various bits of kit we have, and updating the website.

Katy Skinner
Committee Secretary; Tickets and Bookings Manager
I hold the position of Secretary, responsible for taking committee meeting minutes, managing our actions for follow up, and managing mailing lists. I have also been creating the event t-shirt designs for the last few years, which has been good fun!
Since we stopped taking cash on the door and started online class bookings, I have managed the class and event booking system on our website.
I started dancing Lindy Hop quite a few years ago, and quickly became drawn into Blues, then Balboa and then Shag. They're all good fun, and my favourite style tends to change depending on the night! It's great to be able to support such a vibrant scene here in Cambridge and help us continue to provide regular classes, socials and special dance events.

Lauren Moore
Blues Secretary; Communications
I am the Blues secretary and responsible for the running of the Blues dance scene in Cambridge, under the CSD umbrella. You'll find me at the Boathouse dancing Blues every Monday night. I organise the weekly classes, additional Blues events, and am a general point of contact for the Blues community and other scenes at Cambridge Swing Dance. You'll also hear from me each month as I send out our newsletter!

Immy Black
Swing Secretary; Safer Spaces and Equality Officer
I am one of the Swing Secretaries, working to look after the scene's swing dances, which involves managing regular teaching schedules and supporting our teachers, and running events. I love dancing Lindy Hop, Charleston, Solo Jazz, St Louis Shag, Balboa and Collegiate Shag as a leader and follower, and am keen to help them grow in Cambridge.
I enjoy teaching and putting on workshops and events, and seeing our scene develop. If there is something you would like to see develop further in the scene, please do get in touch!
I am also a Safer Spaces and Equality Officer, meaning I'm one of the people working to ensure the welfare and safety of all our community. If you're ever worried about something please come and chat or drop me a message. Find me for a dance or a chat on the social dance floor!

Hi guys, Mina here! I've never been one to shy away from hitting the dance floor, and since CSD helped me finally feel at home (after having moved across the world 8 times and never having found a place where I belong), I thought I wanted to give back to our lovely community. So here I am - your new Treasurer!

​I have been part of the Cambridge swing dance scene since 2011, discovering Lindyhop after spending many years as a ballroom dancer. I am really happy to have this opportunity to join the committee and to support the continued growth of the scene in a co-Treasurer (bookkeeper) role.
I love swing dancing and being a part of our inclusive community. Most recently I have been particularly enjoying the faster tunes and immersing myself more in Collegiate Shag and Balboa – I look forward to meeting you on the dancefloor soon!