Monday Night Blues
@ The Boathouse, 14 Chesterton Road, Cambridge, CB4 3AX. We're in the upstairs room, accessed via a door which is round the corner if you enter from the street, or on your left if you enter from the car park (see the green circle on the photo on this page). Ask the bar staff if you can't find it!
7.30 pm – 8.30 pm: Blues Class
8.30 pm – 10.30 pm: Social Dancing
​Cost: £10 per person
£12.50 on nights with a live band
Pay on the door, by card, contactless (including Android/Apple pay), or gift card. Sorry, we don't take cash!
Access to Dance passes are available for those in financial difficulty.
Please do not attend if you have COVID or cold/flu symptoms.
Join us!
Beginners are welcome.
No partner needed!
Monthly blocks of classes built around a theme.
The first class of the month will start with a fundamentals class starting at 7.30 pm, so on that night the main class will run from 7.50 pm to 8.50 pm.
What to bring
Comfy, loose fitting clothing
Flat soled trainers or small heels are perfect, and it’s not necessary to wear leather soled shoes
Avoid wearing jewellery as it can scratch and get broken
A bottle of water
A smile! We're a friendly bunch :)
Connect with us: Blues Cambridge Facebook!
See our Frequently Asked Questions page or contact us. Read our safer spaces policy.

Forthcoming band nights
About Blues Dancing
Blues dance!
Check out our YouTube Blues Playlist for more videos.
What is Blues Dancing?
Blues is a modern name given to a family of dances, danced to blues, jazz, and related music. Blues dance, as a style, grew naturally along with the music. It combines elements of both African dance and European partnered dancing and is often danced with a simple one- or two-step basic, meaning there is less reliance on patterns, and more emphasis on creativity, style, and partnership. The simplicity of blues dance makes it easy to pick up, and allows for rich variations within your dance.
Not danced much Blues before?
… Great! We’d love to introduce you! Not only will you have an awesome time trying out this wonderfully delightful and varied dance, but it will also help improve your swing dancing and/or other partnered dancing by giving you the tools to RELAX, improve your partnered CONNECTION and help to UNLEASH YOUR CREATIVITY on the dance floor.
Already know some Blues?
Awesome, come and learn some new moves or tune your technique. Either way, no need to bring a partner: you can dance with everyone.
So what are you waiting for come along and give it a go!